Welcome to my website
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I am Bolton Bailey, this is my website.

Here are some links to profiles / contact avenues:

After graduating from UIUC, where I worked with Andrew Miller's Decentralized Systems Lab, I am now working at Pi Squared as a Proof Engineer.

I prove things and write code. My main interests are in formal verification and cryptographic proof systems. My big goal is to integrate these two fields to let each inherit the strengths of the other. Probably the best page to get a flavor of this is my Formal SNARKs project on GitHub. This project coes out of my Ph.D. work, and right now its main content is a formalization of the Groth '16 SNARK in Lean.

Selected Work

51% Attack via Difficulty Increase with a Small Quantum Miner (Myself and Or Sattath) (arXiv)

Formalizing Soundness Proofs of SNARKs (Myself and Andrew Miller) (code) (video)

General Partially Fair Multi-Party Computation with VDFs (Myself, Andrew Miller, and Or Sattath) (ePrint)

Merkle Trees Optimized for Stateless Clients in Bitcoin (Myself and Surya Sankagiri) WTSC '21. (ePrint) (video)

A Gradual, Semi-Discrete Approach to Generative Network Training via Explicit Wasserstein Minimization (Yucheng Chen, Matus Telgarsky, Chao Zhang, Myself, Daniel Hsu, Jian Peng) ICML 2019. (arXiv)

Size-Noise Tradeoffs in Generative Networks (Myself and Matus Telgarsky) NeurIPS 2018 Spotlight. (arXiv) (slides) (video)

See also: My Google Scholar profile.


During the Summer and Fall of 2022, I was a Software Engineer at RISC Zero, where I worked on a formalization of their zkVM for RISC-V.

I have a longstanding project on formalizing SNARKS using the Lean mathlib.

During Summer and Fall of 2020 my collaborator Surya and I worked on a network-efficient accumulator for Bitcoin. Our work was accepted at WTSC '21.

During Fall of 2019, I took Prof. David Forsyth's course on autonomous vehicles. Part of my project for the class was a lidar-based particle filter for tracking the location of a Gem e2 autonomous car. I made a GIF of it which you can see below. Imagine a picture of me

During Summer of 2019, I was a visit the Simons Institute. I presented in the Robustness reading group on poisoning. I also worked on some problems, but I was not able to solve them.

In 2019, I received a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Teaching Assistantships

Last updated July 2024