- float : Type
- val : self.float
- lt : self.float → self.float → Prop
- le : self.float → self.float → Prop
- decLt : DecidableRel self.lt
- decLe : DecidableRel self.le
Instances For
- instInhabitedFloat = { default := { val := floatSpec.val } }
- floatDecLt a b = a.decLt b
- floatDecLe a b = a.decLe b
If the given float is positive, truncates the value to the nearest positive integer. If negative or larger than the maximum value for UInt8, returns 0.
If the given float is positive, truncates the value to the nearest positive integer. If negative or larger than the maximum value for UInt16, returns 0.
If the given float is positive, truncates the value to the nearest positive integer. If negative or larger than the maximum value for UInt32, returns 0.
If the given float is positive, truncates the value to the nearest positive integer. If negative or larger than the maximum value for UInt64, returns 0.
If the given float is positive, truncates the value to the nearest positive integer. If negative or larger than the maximum value for USize, returns 0.
- instToStringFloat = { toString := Float.toString }
- instReprFloat = { reprPrec := fun (n : Float) (prec : Nat) => if n < UInt64.toFloat 0 then Repr.addAppParen (Std.Format.text (toString n)) prec else Std.Format.text (toString n) }
- instHomogeneousPowFloat = { pow := Float.pow }
Efficiently computes x * 2^i